The side of my life that grows and changes with my interests and discoveries pertaining to the D/d and D/s world, with respect to my spiritual convictions/sensibilites. (This page is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox)


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Mine is almost exactly like the far left pic. except flipped the opposite way.

Well, I went to the doctor today and... here's what happened:

For all of you who don't know from my
previous post, I was diagnosed with scoliosis a little over two months ago (scoliosis is when your spine curves to the side - my curve is 34 degrees and is a C shape in about the middle of my back). Anyways... to make a long story short, the chiropractor I first went to advised me to see a specialist because nothing he was doing was working.

The new doctor explained that the pain I'm having is from two things: 1) the curved part of my spine pulling the muscles opposite the curve in ways they just weren't meant to go - which in turn aggravates all the nerves that come off of my spine directly into those muscles, and 2) the curve is angled enough that it pinches the disk that's at its peak when I do certain things.

Since my body won't be doing any more growing, it shouldn't get worse - there are rare cases when the curve does worsen. Which rules out surgery, for now. (Thank God!) So, this is what he wants me to do - go to physical therapy a couple times a week for a while, then do the exercises I learn there at home and see if it strengthens the muscles and helps with the nerve aggravation. He prescribed me a stronger version of Aleve to take twice a day for a couple weeks and then whenever, but no hard pain killers. Which I probably won't even get filled because I've been taking enough normal Aleve and mixing other over the counter stuff that equals or even surpasses that already. I got the feeling that he was hesitant about stronger pain killers for some reason. I had family there and didn't really get a chance to say much, lol.

Hopefully therapy and taking medicine almost constantly for a while (which I never did before - only when it hurt really bad) will stop the nerve issues and help with whatever's all flared up right now. The one thing the doctor told me that was hard to hear was that I'll probably always have problems on and off. My spine is weakened because of the curve and that disk might really be a pain if I pick up something too heavy or twist/bend/move it wrong...

Also, the one thing that scared me the most was that if in three months nothing is getting any better, or if I just happen to be one of those rare cases in which my spine does curve more even after skeletal maturity, I'll be looking at surgery.

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers...


About me

  • Intro (with up-to-date edits)
  • In Dreams

    "And in dreams I am free
    falling into what is not;
    what will be what is.

    It's this intense hatred
    for reality twisted
    in an obsession of hope

    Defy the stagnant
    life that speaks only
    what can be but wills not.

    God's grace,
    not my self fear
    of what I think I cannot be."


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