The side of my life that grows and changes with my interests and discoveries pertaining to the D/d and D/s world, with respect to my spiritual convictions/sensibilites. (This page is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox)
......panking?!I know I've posted about self-spanking before somewhere on here. It's not too fun; but, things get a to a point where alternative discipline is the only option, I suppose, and that's one of ours. Errr, Rico's... I hadn't really done anything too bad... Memory problems mainly, lol. I just have to have the worst memory ever! Anyway. Rico decided he'd had enough of all that, and wanted to give me a little "motivation" to prioritize things better in my mind. On top of that, he's been getting onto me about some of the clothes I wear. I'm not a very immodest person at all when it comes to how I dress, but sometimes I suppose I'm a bit careless, and Rico doesn't like it one bit.Since neither of my misdemeanors were deliberate, the tone Rico took, when it came time for my punishment, wasn't a cruel or mean one. And maybe it was just in my head, but I think I sensed a lot of play there too? *weg*The "implements" he sent me for were: the infamous drumstick, my plastic hairbrush, and a needle[!!!]. "Do you have everything?" He asked me gently."Yes Sir..." By this time I was starting to really get nervous and shaky. I was absolutely dreading that wretched drumstick, and that needle... *shivers*"Alright, pull down your pants and panties, and get in position." He paused for a moment while I did all that. "OK. I want you to start with the hairbrush. Spank your cheeks hard enough to hurt, back and forth, staying in the same spot, until I tell you to stop.""Yes Sir..." *DEEP breath* and... SMACK. Yeouch!! The first blow is always the shocker. After a few minutes, I got into a rythm and even when a really ouchie lick would happen, I'd still push on and deliver the next one. Over the phone Rico could hear perfectly well. I don't know how long this first part lasted, but I lost count of the strokes. When he finally spoke again, my cheeks were tingling and starting to burn pretty good. "Alright, now take the needle and poke the tender part of your thighs, just under your butt. Press hard and try to make it go through that very first layer of skin. Twenty on each side." *whimper...* "Yes Sir..." And so I did. Every now and then, MAN, that sonofagun would really hit a nerve and hurt a lot more than I thought it would. There were only a few times where I felt the slight give as the point stabbed through the surface skin. "OK I'm done." I said quickly with a sigh of relief. "Now get the drumstick and spank that same spot - right where your thighs meet your butt. You can move only slightly, but try to stay pretty consistent. Do it hard, and don't stop till I tell you to." Another deep, shaky breath, "Yes Sir."SWISH POP! OW, ow... ow, ow, ow... Have I mentioned that I hate that stupid drumstick? Dang it that thing hurts. After a while, my whole body was shaking from having to force myself to keep control. Up until this point, I'd been lying on my stomach and spanking myself in a twisted up sort of way. But, as I kept up the spanking with that drumstick, my shoulder started to ache a whole lot. I mentioned it to Rico, but pressed on until that part was over. Usually when someone beeps in on the other line, it irritates me, but this time I was overjoyed. However, that was short lived when Rico came back. To my shock, he told me to switch back to the hairbrush, but that he'd be leaving for a few minutes and wanted me to continue spanking myself while he was gone and until he came back. WHAT?! It really took me by surprise, and all I could do was say "Yes Sir." What in the world!? I kept thinking... What if he can't get through on these dumb cell phones for some reason? What if something happens and he's gone for longer than he thought he'd be? What if, what if, what if? I don't know what came over me, but for some reason I actually obeyed... (I know - someone kick me please, lol) I switched to the "diaper" position, and honestly whacked my own butt for the next SEVENTEEN minutes. Did you hear me? SEVENTEEN MINUTES! By the time he called me back, I was drained, exhausted, and my butt had started going numb. "Did you do what I told you?" He asked me."Yes Sir. I only just stopped when you called..."I think I heard a surprised little "hmm," but that could have been in my head again. *g*"I'm proud of you, my slave." That made everything worth it right there... and then the break was over."Alright, Sweetheart, get the needle again and do the inside of your thighs and inbetween your legs, up and down, the same as last time, until I say stop." Ugghhh... and so went the next five to ten minutes or so. Those were really hard, and this punishment session was beginning to go past the lengths I'd expected it to. I felt my mindset slipping into a much more submissive one as the minutes passed, though. I heard myself squeaking and whimpering, involuntarily, every now and then. It was crazy to actually think about how I looked and the ridiculousness of me doing it to myself. I tried not to - it definitely took away from the headspace I was finally reaching."OK, you can stop."I let out a huge sigh of relief and almost threw that needle, but decided better of it."Now get the drumstick again."A pitiful, "Yes Sir" from me."This time you can spank more on your cheeks, but hit the same spot over and over again. Do it almost as hard as you can, and until I say stop."The first strike was, once again, SHOCKING. The last time I'd used the drumstick was in the on-my-stomach position. This time, I was in the diaper-position. In case you can't visualize that, it makes things more... complicated. Because the drumstick is a lot longer than the hairbrush, I really had to take a moment to figure things out at first. A couple stray licks were enough to get that through to me. EEEYII!!! Little did I know, those stray licks, under slightly difference circumstances, would become my goal. Every once and a while, when the only sound was the drumstick punishing my tender flesh, Rico would say something encouraging, or ask a question like, "Will you think about things more from now on? And try harder to remember the rules?" just to keep my head where it should be. Soon, he decided that was enough with the drumstick, but he wanted it to end with significance. So, twenty more, as hard as I could, to each side... and it was finally over. At least, the spanking-on-my-butt part. "I love you, my slave. I'm very proud of you." Rico said sweetly. "Thank you, my Master." I replied unsteadily. My body was still shaking as I dropped the drumstick and regrouped."Do you have anything that would be stingy and flexible, but not heavy at all?" Uh oh. Where is this going..."I have one of those bendable rulers." I replied somewhat hesitantly. "That should work. Alright, now I want you to spank yourself between your legs and on the inside of your thighs fifteen times each. Make it hurt."Eeeeeeeekkkkkk... Remember how I said the stray licks would become my goal? WWWOOOUUUCH. That was REALLY hard. Rico really had to push me to get that to happen. Just try it one day, you'll totally understand! It took me a while. And once that was over, he had even more in store for me."Now spank your tits. Go back and forth, right above and right on your nipples, until I tell you to stop."You see, I really thought that would be easier than the previous task, however... I found out that my nipples were HIGHLY sensitive to that evil ruler. MY GOSH!! (Of course, the sensitivety probably had to do with the needle and pinching nipples section I accidentally left out of this post)...Rico had to push me through that one too. Thankfully, he didn't have me do it for very long before ending with ten "good" ones. At last, my punishment came to a close. Insane, maybe, but I felt so much better that he had me do all that instead of continuing to put it all off until we had a real-life chance to deal with things.. I think I even liked it a little... but, that was probably in my head as well. *G*
In Dreams
"And in dreams I am free
falling into what is not;
what will be what is.
It's this intense hatred
for reality twisted
in an obsession of hope
Defy the stagnant
life that speaks only
what can be but wills not.
God's grace,
not my self fear
of what I think
I cannot be."