The side of my life that grows and changes with my interests and discoveries pertaining to the D/d and D/s world, with respect to my spiritual convictions/sensibilites. (This page is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox)
I'm still feeling pretty bad (so this won't be long), but I thought I'd go ahead and explain my profile pic (to an extent). It's actually a picture I drew of my own hand. Its significance, however, is the bracelet on my wrist. The story behind it is kind of unique, and I may write about it when I'm feeling better, but basically that is my "collar." Or, what Rico and I consider my "collar" anyway. Something I can easily wear all the time and in public.
When Rico really understood it, he truly surprised me with how easily he accepted it and wanted it (just as much as me!). But that seems to be the story of my life in this journey of discovery. His wants and desires are practically identical to mine.
Rico: Will you wear my collar, Baby?
Rivka: Yes I will. All my life...
In Dreams
"And in dreams I am free
falling into what is not;
what will be what is.
It's this intense hatred
for reality twisted
in an obsession of hope
Defy the stagnant
life that speaks only
what can be but wills not.
God's grace,
not my self fear
of what I think
I cannot be."