The side of my life that grows and changes with my interests and discoveries pertaining to the D/d and D/s world, with respect to my spiritual convictions/sensibilites. (This page is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox)


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I talked about humility in my last post, and keeping a humble mindset. The last few days have done nothing more than put an exclamation mark on the end of those thoughts. I believe the problems come in when I start putting myself before Rico. I forget my place, I get a prideful heart, and I just see him on a much too equal level. I don't know if equal is the right word there, but it's close. What I mean is that I start basing the extent of my submission on what he's saying, how he's acting, or what's going on in our life. Which, of course, is wrong. My submission should be absolute - no matter what's happening.

Most of the time, to get my head back where it should be, it takes some action on his part. I think that he's starting to see that more lately, and that has taken a lot of the struggle away. It generally doesn't take a whole lot (just a few words, maybe a threat), but sometimes it does. I've come to the conclusion that the most effective way of getting ME back into a humble mindset is some form of private humiliation. I'll go into detail later, because that word can be taken way out of the context I want it in, but right now we're keeping things simple anyway - a spanking all by itself can be humiliating. It doesn't take much to give me a sense of humiliation, and all it does is make me realize exactly what I'm supposed to be feeling and how I'm supposed to be acting. I suppose it gives me a feeling of being smaller than him, and enforces his authority and power. While it's hard while it's happening, afterwards I'm so thankful and happy with the way I feel.

OK I have to go, but those are my thoughts at the moment and I'll post more later.


About me

  • Intro (with up-to-date edits)
  • In Dreams

    "And in dreams I am free
    falling into what is not;
    what will be what is.

    It's this intense hatred
    for reality twisted
    in an obsession of hope

    Defy the stagnant
    life that speaks only
    what can be but wills not.

    God's grace,
    not my self fear
    of what I think I cannot be."


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