The side of my life that grows and changes with my interests and discoveries pertaining to the D/d and D/s world, with respect to my spiritual convictions/sensibilites. (This page is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox)

Randomly me

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I know I've posted a couple of the "tag" thingies, and answered a few questions within different posts, but there's a whole lot I have yet to tell. Visiting another woman's site, I saw that she wrote out, in tag form, a bunch of different, personal, facts about herself. Nothing really too "close to home", just stuff. It was fun for me to read, even though it's probably only the second time I'd ever been to her blog, so I figured some of you might really enjoy seeing that here - not to mention I love the idea of writing it in such a simple way.

Random Info

- I love Jesus Christ with all my heart and strive every day to become more like Him.
- I am the submissive in a D/d, somewhat D/s, relationship.
- I live in the southern U.S.
- I'm an artist and a photographer; aspiring to own my own business.
- I am under 25 years old.
- I have no kids, but plan to have plenty one day in the future.
- I'm a virgin (of any kind of sex) and will be until my wedding night.
- I'm going to marry my "highschool Sweetheart" in May, 2007.
- I'm a naturally light brunette.
- I LOVE animals; especially dogs.
- I'd really like to meet someone in real life, one day, who lives the same type of D/d lifestyle as Rico and I.
- Emails are like candy to me - I'm not the best at giving them away, but I love to get them!
- I have three brothers and one sister - one of which I know for sure has this spanko kink, but isn't old enough for me to openly talk about it with him, *g*.
- I have, what seems to be, the opposite of most people when it comes to certain insecurities about my weight; I want to gain like 15-20 pounds rather than lose it.
- I'm rehabilitating a squirrel.
- I actually love to hunt and fish - fishing moreso.
- "My Jesus" by Todd Agnew is a song I believe everyone should hear, and "The Passion" a movie that everyone should see at least once.
- Rico is my best friend.
- I'm a chocolate lover.
- The sexiest thing Rico could wear for me is a pair of jeans, a belt, some round-toe boots, and no shirt.
- Those lips on my banner are mine.
- I despise the morning and would rather stay up till the wee hours of the morning, then wake up at them; I truly am a hardcore nightowl (have you ever checked the times on these posts? LOL).

Want to know something else random? Just ask!!

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About me

  • Intro (with up-to-date edits)
  • In Dreams

    "And in dreams I am free
    falling into what is not;
    what will be what is.

    It's this intense hatred
    for reality twisted
    in an obsession of hope

    Defy the stagnant
    life that speaks only
    what can be but wills not.

    God's grace,
    not my self fear
    of what I think I cannot be."


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