The side of my life that grows and changes with my interests and discoveries pertaining to the D/d and D/s world, with respect to my spiritual convictions/sensibilites. (This page is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox)
A Glutton for Punishment
Published Sunday, January 01, 2006 by rivka | E-mail this post
I've heard that phrase used all my life, and only recently looked up the actual definition of it: "Someone who does something most people would find unpleasant." (some searches vary, but that's basically it)
Well... for the purpose of this post, I'm going to change that definition. *g*
It took me a while to get to the place where I can comfortably say, sometimes I just need to be punished. I'd read about "reminder" and "stress relief" spankings, but something just didn't click until recently. There is this little part of me that awakens every now and then screaming for control.
I need to be dominated. At times, for no particular reason at all, I absolutely have got to feel Rico's sheer power over me. To those who have no concept of it, the thought is insane. I mean, what "normal" person wants to be corrected and disciplined - for no reason, at that! Guess that makes me the epitomy of abnormal.
But it's OK. I'm content with my strange desires and weird genetic makeup. It's a part of who I am, and for the first time, I'm alright with that. What makes that feeling possible, is the fact that Rico believes the same thing. Without him behind me - his support, agreement, consolidation - I'd sink into utter insecurity.
What really surprised me was that my need for such things can be fulfilled without necessarily being spanked. It takes creativity on Rico's part, and the right mindset on mine, but it works well enough for me. Not that I don't want, want, WANT that SO badly - but with our circumstances, we just aren't able to do it like it needs to be done quite yet. So we have to... improvise.
That being said, I hereby title myself (at times) A Glutton for Punishment. My definition being:
"Someone who desires to be, and at times indulges in being, punished [dominated, controlled, disciplined, corrected]."
And that, my friends, is where I believe we crossed the line from D/d to the D/s world.
Gotta love me. ;)
On a more personal note, Rico has become more strict about my referring to him with a title (to my absolute delight!).
In Dreams
"And in dreams I am free
falling into what is not;
what will be what is.
It's this intense hatred
for reality twisted
in an obsession of hope
Defy the stagnant
life that speaks only
what can be but wills not.
God's grace,
not my self fear
of what I think
I cannot be."